Recent news and publications:
Publication: Using TMS to reveal cortical excitability during preparation for a RT task.

PDF This study investigated the entirety of the timecourse of cortico-spinal excitability changes during a reaction time task – from the time in between trials, and throughout the foreperiod and response interval. The results show a pattern of increase in excitability that occurs just after the “get ready” signal which…
Tony Carlsen promoted to Associate Professor
Minister of State Gary Goodyear visits NeuroMotor Behaviour Lab

The Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State (Science and Technology), toured the laboratory of Dr. Tony Carlsen in School of Human Kinetics at the University of Ottawa. The visit was in conjunction with Industry Canada’s involvement in job creation, but was also timed to coincide with the 2012 Olympic games in…
Dr. Carlsen’s research featured on NSERC website

Tony Carlsen’s research was the focus of an “Impact story” featured on the NSERC website: “In the tense moments before the start of a race, as runners prepare to explode from their blocks, there is a split-second difference between victory and elimination. If an athlete launches from the blocks before…
Grants: Carlsen awarded NSERC Discovery Grant

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) has awarded Anthony Carlsen a 5-year discovery grant to support his program of research. The research proposal, entitled “Investigation and modulation of neural structures underlying motor preparatory processes,” aims to determine the brain regions involved in preparing for upcoming actions. The grant,…